Reimagine Phoenix

In a recent partnership with the City of Phoenix, Recyclebank was tasked with developing and executing a multichannel marketing campaign promoting Reimagine Phoenix. This innovative program is intended to inspire residents to think differently around waste, and to get rewarded as they turned their trash into resources.

Reimagine Groceries Poster

Reimagine Groceries Poster

Part of the strategy behind the "Reimagine" campaign was to focus on the benefits that individuals can get out of signing up for Phoenix's new recycling rewards program. By showing how residents can earn everyday savings by recycling, it helped move the conversation about waste outside of the realm of boring PSAs into a more general/mainstream conversation.

Reimagine Waste Cart Hanger

Reimagine Waste Cart Hanger

Cart hangers are a particularly effective marketing tool in the waste industry. Truck drivers will leave them hanging on the handles for residents after their trash or recycling gets picked up, which is usually when waste diversion is top-of-mind for consumers. This piece just helped introduce the rewards program itself and the idea that residents can get rewarded for the recycling they're already doing.

Reimagine Waste Bill Insert

Reimagine Waste Bill Insert

Residents in Phoenix pay for their recycling services through their water bill. This insert helped educate residents about the new program, and introduced the idea of recycling rewards at a moment when the economics behind waste is most likely to be on their mind.

300x250 Digital Ad

300x250 Digital Ad

To help reach the greatest number of Phoenix residents, we ran a number of digital ads targeting segments of the population most likely to sign up for our program and paid for media on both local and national sites.

Reimagine Date Night Facebook Ad

Reimagine Date Night Facebook Ad

We ran a series of social media sponsored posts to focus on showcasing the variety of rewards members could earn by joining the program and earning points for recycling and learning online.

Reimagine Pizza Night Facebook Ad

Reimagine Pizza Night Facebook Ad

We ran a series of social media sponsored posts to focus on showcasing the variety of rewards members could earn by joining the program and earning points for recycling and learning online.

Reimagine Phoenix Signup Page

Reimagine Phoenix Signup Page

All of our print and digital materials pointed to this co-branded signup page, which is where Phoenix residents were able to sign up for our recycling rewards program.